Margoth Adriana Valdivieso Miranda


She holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, a master’s degree in Statistical Sciences, and a doctorate in Education. She has been teaching for more than 30 years. She is currently an associate professor at Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia and a professor at the School of Mathematics and Statistics. She is a peer evaluator for the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation of Colombia and an associate category researcher. She is also a reviewer for national and international indexed scientific journals. She is a researcher of the Interdisciplinary Group in Sciences-GICI, categorized as B. She conducts research in the fields of mathematics didactics, mathematical thinking, mathematical methods applied to science, statistics education, epistemology of mathematics and
sciences, history of sciences and applied mathematics, optimization methods, new technologies applied to science,
and probability and statistics applied to science, promoting public understanding of mathematics, among others.
She loves to be a teacher and admires her students and colleagues.
She has been distinguished by the International Organization. for Inclusion and Educational Quality (OIICE) with the Golden Magistral Order and the Award for Educational Excellence in the Mexican edition.

Correo Institucional